Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I love the Book of Mormon

I love the Book of Mormon
I read it every day,
I love the things it teaches,
What does the Book of Mormon say?

I will go, I will do, He'll prepare the way,
Wickedness never was happiness,
And by small means, He can do great things,
If we hold to the rod of the scriptures.

Written by Wallace Haws --Sept 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Sliding Jenga Blocks Across the Table
Items Needed: Jenga Blocks or any type of rectangular blocks
A long table
Object of the Game: Get your block to stop as close to the end of the table without falling off.
How to Play: Each person takes a turn sliding their block across the table. Get your block to stop as close to the edge and stay on and you win. Watch out for your opponents after you because they can knock your block off of the table.
Variations: Rules and more blocks per person have been added in the past. Make up rules as you feel necessary.


Item needed: Rook Cards (depending on the players, you may need more than one deck.)
Object of the Game: Be President and have fun.
How to Play:
Figure out order – This can be done by letting everyone choose a card. The person with the highest card is president, the next highest is vice, etc. until the lowest card drawn is scum. You can also just play the first round without exchanging cards. Sit in the order of hierarchy. President, Vice to the Presidents left, etc. Play always going to the left or in order of hierarchy.
Order of cards – Rook takes all – Quadruplets, Triplets, Doubles, Anything. One is just under the rook. Then it is 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 being the lowest.
Deal the cards out starting with the President, Vice, Secretary, in order down to scum. Deal until all the cards are gone. If there are 4 players, the President gives the scum any card from their stack (usually the lowest) and the scum gives the President his highest card in his stack (it must be the highest). If there are 6 or more players. The President and scum exchange 2 cards in the same way as with 4 players and the Vice and Pee-on exchange 1 card (the pee-on must give the vice his highest card.)
Cards can be played on at a time or in groups. The groups must be of the same number. If you have two 4’s, you can play them as a double. Everyone else then must play doubles on top of them to play. Quadruplets or Triplets are the same way. If someone doesn’t have double, or Quadruplets or Triplets and that is what is being played they must say pass.
The first round always starts with the President going first, vice second, scum goes last. The President plays any card or group of cards from his/her deck. The next player must play something of higher value or say pass. The round continues until it gets back to the first player with everyone playing or saying pass. The person that laid down the highest card gets to start the next round. The first person to get rid of all of their cards is President for the next game. The second person is vice, etc., until the last person out is scum.


Item needed: Rook Cards, or Uno Cards, or Face Cards
Object of the Game: Get rid of your cards first.
How to Play: Deal all of the cards out face down to the players. No one looks at their cards, they keep them in a pile face down. To begin playing take turns going in a circle, flipping over one card in a pile in the middle of the circle. If two cards are laid down on top of each other that are the same color, you do an action for that certain color.
Black or Blue – reach for the sky
Yellow – Hand on your forehead
Red – Hand on your heart
Green – Hand on the table
Wild, rook, or jokers – do all four actions
The last person to do the right action for the color takes all of the cards in the middle pile and puts them in their own stack. Everyone is Everyone’s judge of who the last person was. Get rid of your cards first and you win. The first person out can then be the judge if you so choose.

Monster in the Closet

Items needed: Dark Rooms – Usually down one hall in the house
Same number of cups as rooms
A treat (usually a cracker or something in the pantry)
Object of the Game: Have fun and maybe get scared.
How to Play: Place one cup in the center of every room. One person is the monster. This person takes the treat and hides it in the cup of the same room they hide in. Everyone else counts without looking while the monster does this. After counting, everyone tries to get the treat without getting caught by the monster. They do this by moving from room to room and placing their hand in the cup to see if there is a treat in it. The monster usually does not emerge until after someone has started to put their hand in the cup. If you get the treat, you eat it, and the monster hides again. If the monster gets you before you get the treat, you are the monster.