Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Monster in the Closet

Items needed: Dark Rooms – Usually down one hall in the house
Same number of cups as rooms
A treat (usually a cracker or something in the pantry)
Object of the Game: Have fun and maybe get scared.
How to Play: Place one cup in the center of every room. One person is the monster. This person takes the treat and hides it in the cup of the same room they hide in. Everyone else counts without looking while the monster does this. After counting, everyone tries to get the treat without getting caught by the monster. They do this by moving from room to room and placing their hand in the cup to see if there is a treat in it. The monster usually does not emerge until after someone has started to put their hand in the cup. If you get the treat, you eat it, and the monster hides again. If the monster gets you before you get the treat, you are the monster.

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